Job Application
Murray Roofing Company Inc.
Murray Roofing has over 40 Million square feet of roofing under warranty!
Current Job Openings
- Driver
- Laborer
- Roofer
Job Application
To: Prospective Applicants
RE: Hiring Practices (Please read before filling out application)
We consider applicants for all positions without regard to: Race, Color, Religion, Gender, Age, National Origin, Disability, marital Status, Labor Organization Affiliation, and any/all other status protected under Federal or State Law.
We will review applications already on file prior to hiring. We keep applications on file for a period of thirty (30) days. After the application has been on file for the above stated period it is no longer active. We consider it the responsibility of the applicant to keep us informed in writing of his/her continued availability.
Group applications and photocopied applications are not accepted. Our hiring process is dependent on personal contact with all applicants, which enables us to make sound judgements as to the most qualified applicant for a particular position.
Hiring decisions are based on a variety of factors, including: Skill, and ability to perform the job applied for, prior employment with
us, references from prior employers in regards to character, ability, and willingness to work, the applicant’s willingness to accept the pay rate that is offered and personal interview(s) with the applicant.
As stated on the job application form, any applicant that falsifies or omits information on their application will be disqualified from being hired. Should an applicant be hired prior to discovery of said omission or falsifications, he/she will be subject to termination.
Our employees are not required to pay dues or initiation fees to any labor organization in order to join our company.
Complete the form then click the Submit button. You will receive an email with instructions about how to download the Murray Roofing Company Inc. job application. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us.